
not sure what to say about this

well. this guy's definitely winning something. he's either getting 'chop of the month' or 'satirist of the week'. whichever it is i'm laughing at him.
what a gent. he's even making me say words like 'gent'.
chine. boytchie. oke. bru. kief.
eff, i can't stop.
shmaak. laaik. chune. shweet.
taailand. peroni. sharks.
bint. proh-teen.

>>HALT! HALT!<< found another copy of the video that some other kind soul has ripped and uploaded. thanks friend. so that means: do watch it now.

>HALT! UPDATE< wait! don't bother trying to watch this video. apparently you now have to be invited to view it. so guess that means that this dude was being quite genuine when he said 'my idea of a perfect date would be a romantic dinner wiff a gor-jus girl but int-elergent'. guess he got embarrassed by his striking originality and like all the true geniuses withdrew from society, protecting his before-its-time gift to humankind through self-ostracism.
or. more likely, the thought of hundreds of pairs of eyes ogling his boksburg bowl cut and prize jet polyester chinos entirely royalty free sickened him to the bottom of his extreme-sports toned stomach. nee! he shouted. his patriotic, new south africa, enthusiasm and concern for the sick and weak couldn't bear that people, how dare they, might look at him on their computers and that this transaction would not result in at least a month's supply of whey protein or at very least some kief, lekker new go-faster stripes for the opel opc his dad got him.
okay. i'm over it. just really bummed i can't vote for him now. was literally creaming my pants in anticipation of the inevitable acceptance speech video. oh well, 'spose i'll have to cancel the spit braai.

thanks to thereza for this daai-mond, bra.


  1. Wow, I don't even know how to respond to that video.. That must be some kind of joke.. how can anybody make a video like that, sit down, edit it, and think "hmmm yes"...

    "Candle light dinners, maybe prepared by myself", haha, with that progressively evolving sweat patch, who could resist..

    The golf cart scene was hilarious.. after he was speakiing, he gets up and strikes the most ridiculous pose...

    As I was watching this guy.. i was thinking what an idiot.. then something happened.. there was this scene at the end of the clip.. where he had his feet in the pool.. this sold it for me.. what a man.. if you can make such a ridiculous video, broadcast it for the world to see, with a smile on your face and still live a normal life... then nothing that ever happens in your life is going to disappoint you..

    where's my phone, i'm voting..

    -chris peters

  2. dude. i thought it was a set up too. until he made the video private last week, then made it live again this week, but with commenting and embedding removed, then removed the original video altogether yesterday. obviously super embarrassed by all the comments.

    but it's still here cos i changed the code to link to a different video someone else has ripped of the net (while it was still up) and uploaded to a new account.

  3. this would never have happened in a communist state - its entirly a capitalist plot to destabilise humanity

  4. a comic genius or did naas botha mate with a parasitc worm that then laid the mutant eggs through a fissure into his brain
