
kholkhoz envelope design illustration

so i was just like hey... this is a cool idea, and would look cool on a brown envelope when handing shit around for the kholkhoz, the idea was simple just a shit illustration with a clever little line of copy

and here you have the result, please comment and say things like hmm, your kerning sucks

Barack Celebrity

ever get the feeling like you just wanna cry

no, just me then

anyway devotchka; tsooper cool raait!


he does hand stands

this is o!ive, the most br00tal little crap

and he can pee an arc across a wall

standing on his front legs



so chad said oblique fonts aren't cool to use at all.. this was my attempt especially for him ;)


zer chiant eff projekt

so this was one of the most enjoyable projects we've worked on so far! have look for yourself and leave some commentary, we worked on it with an awesome friend, daniel mccauley and look forward to doing more thangs with that mother fool, you'll probably see some more of him on the blog in posts to come :)

so yeah enjoy!

here's our main ad, in-case you thought our interview was lame

Zer Chiant Eff Projekt
Zer Chiant Eff

some production stills from zer chiant eff projekt, our tv spots for the saps

the guerilla billboard we stole at vega and our br00tal! cop, musi

click on them to go see some others on flickr

...and watch our vids above this. now.

yes, watch them again if you have already.

fifteen rand gel pens


are the shit, they're cheap, you get six, and you can draw with them

twin towers

twin towers

something i did for this photography brief last year, it's meant to depict the flaming twin towers as a fashion poster for iron fist 'fabricated violence'

besides, thought i better post it before someone totally plagiarises it... actually i might be too late

jes says hey

jes says hey

just wanted to annoy rob quickly by br00tal!sing his desktop a while back

pizza way out


...and to match jes on posts, this is my easy way out.

why not? it's pizza. br00tal.

and totally homemade - with organic flour and all (what a liberal i am)

"Biko Hold On"

Hector Pieterson

Chris Hani

Steve Biko

This was my print campaign for the IEC earlier this year, I just based on typography cause I guess it was an easy way out at the time

sometimes the easy way out pays off

Coffee tables are design too.

hey i found this sick design for a coffee table today :) thought this companies design things were pretty rad check it! I'm thinking about making some of my own



it's type

yes it is

kings of iron


the organic show at the dome a while back and p'n'p were there maxing it to the ironic max

are you serious?

the commissars

this is a total crock that jes wanted me to put up and write something about; it's us, it's shit, don't judge me


eerste pos

So this is pretty much it.. the blog we've been wanting to start for about a year or two or three? Not sure which time period we're prepared to settle on but it's all good don't stress it's here now! so for our first post we're steering clear of work, not because we want to but purely because this is way better and we dont have any work available right now...fuck.

but this headline is pretty ratard. so here we go. so much for an eerste pos